Your itinerary for Littleborough when discovering Amazing Women by Rail ....
Littleborough has plenty of shops, cafes and restaurants.
George Kelsall's bookshop 22, Church Street (OL15 9AA) sells maps and local guides.
Then go past the bookshop towards the pedestrian crossing and turn first left into Lodge Street, for Littleborough Coach House (OL15 9AE) for information and gifts.
There is also an excellent cafe here.
To see Jessie Fothergill's blue plaque, return to the station.
Leave the station at the back and cross Lake Road carefully.
In front of you is the canal.
Follow the towpath to the left for a beautiful walk to Summit; this is about a mile.
When you reach a large car park on your left; this is Sladen Wood Bridge; leave the towpath and turn right along Todmorden Road; after a few yards you will see the blue plaque on the wall of a furniture factory - Sladen Wood Mill.
After this, to see Enid Stacy's blue plaque and grave, you will need to head uphill for St James' Church, Calderbrook. (OL15 9NW).
Walk up Todmorden Road (A 6033) for 200 yards and cross carefully and walk up the steep Temple Lane.
Walk through the housing estate and you will soon reach Calderbrook Road.
Enid Stacy's blue plaque is on the wall at the church gate.
Go up the steps to the church and turn right at the main door; keep going right and Enid's grave is just at the back of the church around the corner.
There are buses to and from here from Littleborough or you can walk back along the same route.
There are many linking footpaths in Littleborough; use the South Pennines Explorer map.